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Imogen Howson
The Fall (The Glimpse, #2)
Claire Merle
Mystic City - 'Theo Lawrence' This review has been x posted at The Book Twins

Aria Rose is the youngest child of one of two rival Mystic City families. After an accident that renders her memories blank, she is told of a secret relationship that she and Thomas Foster, the son of the other rival family they had.
She knows the story. But she can't remember a thing about this so-called relationship that was meant to have taken place. No feelings. No memories. But it must be the truth because why would her family lie?

It isn't until she meets Hunter, who makes her feel the kind of things she should be feeling with Thomas, and she begins a journey to something she never thought would happen.
Secrets will be revealed. Relationships and family will be tested, and most of all, Aria will discover just what the relationship between herself and Thomas is. Is her memories of him returning from memories flashing back to her, or are they completely different?

This book I was impressed. I had been wanting to read it for ages, and when I finally got the chance to do so, I couldn't believe how much I loved it.
I loved the relationship between Aria and Hunter. There were things I had a bad feeling about since the very beginning, and I looked forward to discovering the truth just like Aria was.
The secrets, betrayal and realizations that come through in this book surprised me. I had a feeling who her true relationship was with going by the prologue.

The world which Theo developed sucked me in. It wasn't just a modern day tale of Romeo and Julet. No, there was so much more to this story than the relationships and romance. There was death, mystery and intrigue. Secrets and lies. New beginnings and shocking endings.

I look forward to see what is next for this story, and what becomes of these characters. How the relationships progress.

Rating: 4.5/5