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The Darkest Seduction (Hqn) - Gena Showalter Posted at my Blog: The Book Twins | YA & Adult reviews

'd say Paris's story is the most anticipated book in the series yet. There is always one male in a book series like this in which has been built up for so many books, and you hope pays off to which you hope. In my case, I didn't enjoy it as much as I had hoped.
But that's not to say it was bad, I did enjoy it, and glad he had his story. I guess I expected more. I did enjoy the side stories though, and if I am honest, those were my fav parts of the book.

Its no surprise that his love interest is Sienna. I think that has been obvious for some time now, and I like her. I can understand that she has been through a lot.
The relationship Paris and Sienna have had since the beginning has not been an easy one, or even one where they liked each other. The opposite really.
But as time went on, they saw that what they felt with one another was something they haven't felt with anyone else before, and that was something worth fighting for.

The side stories, especially with Kane, whose book is coming up next captivated me the most. I look forward to reading his story.

Even though this is book 9, Gena Showalter stays true to each character throughout the series, and keeps the stories of each book fresh and a captivating for the character arc.
Its just a shame we have to wait almost a year until the next book. Gena is one busy woman, and she writes so much.
I remember when she used to release 2 LOTU books a year, but I guess that was before she had so many books she had to write.

My Rating: 3 out of 5